Thursday 28 May 2020

The COVID-19 Warriors! But the Saviour professions need A strategic revamp ...

Calamity brings people together, make them realise the importance of life and most importantly let’s them know about the real saviors in crucial times.

COVID-19 has highlighted the real importance of few professions which till date were either considered as low on returns, only for dare devils or good for elite. The nurses, the police and the doctors were compartmentalised into professions based on their socioeconomic strata and only the right fit opted for such careers.

No one ever imagined health hazard can ever turn out to be a law and order situation. The police for the first time ever are in search of patients (of COVID-19)and showing a very different but human face to the society.

Nursing is another profession which somewhere down the years has lost its sheen. Nursing is no longer a profession made out of passion and is marginalised for a section of society where parents can’t afford the cost of higher education and the girls need money to support and run their poor families.

The medical profession by far is the most coveted education. However, the way the education is institutionalised, it has become a matter of extreme patience, high costs and lower returns(at least immediately) after completion of long duration of education.The generation is having a second thought towards medicine and to add to it, we also have safety concerns for the doctors in recent times.

COVID-19 is a real eye opener and has brought many heroes to front.

When the entire world is operating out of home, the above three professions are out in the middle fighting the battle for the mankind. It’s time, these professions get a boosting revamp to make the new generation wishing to opt for them as careers.

The police are torch bearers for law and order and have proved their competence in all adverse situations. However, the facilities, the political interference, standard of living and compensation are enough reasons for youngsters to turn their back towards this profession.

The number of students opting for nursing course was always a concern. By all means, this indicates that students are not motivated enough or they prefer other professions which are less satisfying but have more earning possibilities.

Medicine is still regarded as a decorated profession but the real struggle for students begin from the 12th standard onward. Number of Government Medical colleges are very less and do not reciprocate with the size of population. The compensation offered to budding doctors during internship nowhere matches the high qualification. The admissions to ‘post graduation courses’ are still not assured and students have to be ready to leave their native places for greener pastures or accept a career compromise.

Situations like COVID-19 bring the reality to front page and we manage heroes for headlines but there might be thousands who have opted for some other professions when it mattered in their heydays.

Time to open our eyes as a state and country and start supporting these heroes and also nurture our youngsters for these professions which work very closely for the future and present of mankind.

The COVID-19 has brought heroes from so many professions apart from the above. We have milkman who ensures that we can sip a cup of tea,cleaners who help us maintain hygiene, vegetables vendors, grocers and so many social workers who have helped us sustain this pandemic. Salute to all of them πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Disclaimer: The blog is a personal observation of coveted professions and does not comment on any government policies or political parties.

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