Literal meaning of the word ‘Murad Baksh’ somewhere correlates to fulfilment of wishes.
With elections and aims looming around, the only son-in-law of grand old party Congress(I) Robert Vadra is pondering to bring his Murad to a reality through this ancient city of Moradabad.
With the intent known, a natural leader is born and many followers automatically generated. However the words publicly uttered are now subject to legal clearance on account of morality and time will decide whether Murad is BukshED or its an end of a political career even before it is Aabad.
The ancient history across the world follows the path of handing over the reins of kingdom to the eldest son,eldest daughter, daughter in law and in exceptional cases to nephews but hardly ever any son in law was made the ruler and the congress party has followed this lineage theory over the years.
A look back into congress history going before partition had Motilal Nehru being the President of Congress.He had 2 daughters namely Vijayalakshmi and Krishna and son Jawahar. However when it mattered to handover the party reins, it was the son who was chosen over daughters and the baton did not go to any of the daughters and son in laws thereof. The handover of President’s post to son is said to be one of the most emotional moments for the father.
Few years down the line, Jawaharlal Nehru had a competent daughter and firebrand son-in-law in Feroze Gandhi. When it came to passing on the baton, daughter scored over Feroze Gandhi and he lead a life in oblivion. 2nd time son in law lost the race.
History beckoned to handover reins of party to Rajiv Gandhi and then power accumulated with the daughter in law Sonya Gandhi, making her one of the most powerful ladies in the country.
With Congress getting a beating across the country and the first family needing unity, it was quite pragmatic for the daughter Priyanka Gandhi to step in for the mother and support brother Rahul Gandhi. The followers were in a hooray mood with Priyanka arrival and then came the news of Vadra’s keenness to join the bandwagon.
It would be quite interesting to see how far the political career of Robert Vadra goes. Whether it will follow the tradition of hundred years of sidelining the son-in-law or will he be instated in a major role?
Whatsoever, the grand family will have to prove its mettle going forward as emotions won’t assure the public popularity. The times have changed and only a real leader who can make a difference to people’s lives will cut the edge and legacy (or no-legacy) will not make anyone an acceptable leader.
Interesting and crucial times ahead for the grand old party and testing times for the voters. Real time for voters to conclude “Janta Sab Janti Hai” (जनता सब जानती है )
Image courtsey : NDTV
Disclaimer : The view published in the blog is a personal opinion of the author and does not intend to make any comment or judgment on the grand old Congress Party.
- Jayawant
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