Monday 2 December 2019

Nirbhaya and Priyanka are not alone !

In recent past ,the country has faced a huge furore in terms of shameless crime against women and the talk is all around.The media, the hashtags, speeches, the candlelight march have immensely mobilised the youth and hope this continues till we find a stable and long term solution to these regressive and repeatative instances.

However, the past instances prove that all such focus hasn’t ideally been converted into a robust system. Many a times such protests turn out to be politicised ones aimed at targeting the law and order control of the current establishment, whoever is at the helm.

If Nirbhaya case was an eye opener, Kathua confirmed the facts that there is no fear amongst perverts and the unfortunate incidence of Priyanka Reddy reestablished the fact that a section of society will neither improve nor be afraid to commit the heinous act or crimes.

We need to have the guilty pronounced and have them face rigorous punishment through fast track justice but will it suffice for a strong, educated, cultured and law abiding society ? The answer doesn’t look too much of positive if the fight for the cause is not sustained and eradication of root cause is not addressed with will, unity aimed at stringent laws and an aim for constructive nation building.

India has grown leaps and bounds since independence. The growth and social reforms need to go hand in hand but the lack of political will and huge imbalance in terms of socio-economic structure across the nation,could never allow the nation to ditch the oppression and embrace the progression.

The link between literacy/education, culture, wealth and power is extremely vital for any society.  Education is the key to eradicate illiteracy and control self proclaimed chauvinism. Power and wealth is normally reciprocated with the literacy or education but we as a country, has a huge inverse of it when it comes to reality.

We need to go back to basics of our culture , imbibe sense of belongingness, educate the kids, let the wealth be through the route of wisdom and power be through social rights and not through the muscle power.

Whenever such cases stand in the court, the law has always taken its own course.It has never come out of its boundaries and made it open to public kind of judiciary. It is necessary that justice is highlighted and shouted to every nook and corner of the remotest places.

‘Fear for GOD’ irrespective of the community was an age old belief which has become fearless and if we fail to bring it to ‘FEAR for Law’ mode , we will always see someone above the law twisting it or even if punished not ashamed of his deeds.

If law abiding is a scarcity then the law binding needs to improve . A society which believes in ‘Freedom is its right’, also needs to understand that freedom without integrity, freedom without responsibility, freedom without social reforms will always take the country backwards and not towards a path of cohesive socio-stable nation.

It’s not only about Nirbhaya, Priyanka but it’s also about the future of daughters of the nation who not only are pride of their families but who also have a capability to take our country on path of progression. What they need is nothing more that bit of affection, appreciation and a rightful protection from the society.

P.S. This is a personal viewpoint about the current recurring instances in the country and, it does not refer to any individual or any political affiliation.

Image Courtesy: Zee News

- Jayawant

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