Friday 26 July 2019

26th July ! A standstill Mumbai !

ओ …ओ … शामे मलंग सी... | Mumbai, but
........वो शाम कुछ अजीब थी..|

It was not a normal evening and day . It was 26th July 2005.

It’s been 14 years since then, but every year on 2607, it takes me back to those memories which made all of us realize that we are humans and don’t have any control on our lives whatsoever. 

Many amongst us might have witnessed the fury of the nature that day and I relive my story here.

The morning of 2607 was as usual refreshing but cloudy. I was back from a year long hiatus from Mumbai and had no reason to be in the office especially considering the fact that my project was just over and next assignment was to start in 15 days (100% compliance to company policy 😊) However, in a zeal to meet old friends and colleagues, I landed up in my office at Worli and for unknown reasons chose not to take my own vehicle.

Day well spent and friends met, I thought it wise to make a move at 4 pm considering Mumbai clouds which had started to gather together. The taxis were scarce and I made my mind to stay with my relatives place at Dadar. As I was about to enter their complex, a bus honked and I changed my decision to enter the bus. Then began the most unique journey and fight with the fury of the nature which is still vivid in my heart, my thoughts and my memories.

The bus started to move with a speed of inches per minute and the wise driver decided to take us to Kalanagar flyover to avoid water logging in the bus. The journey which started at 4:30 pm made us reach Kalanagar in the night. Many thoughts of getting down from the bus were thwarted by unknown Mumbaikar friends who stopped each other’s rush of blood and kept us safe.

I had that utterly non reachable BPL mobile which to everyone’s surprise was the only network working on the bus. I don’t even recollect how my handset was moving from one hand to other and getting people connected to their homes to convey their safety.

The night in the bus was all about chitchat and keeping ourselves awake. As it dawned at 6 am, we got down from the bus to witness one of the goriest sights of the city of Mumbai. There were no visible slums, no small buildings and no roads except a confusion whether we were on the bridge over sea or on the road. People especially female passengers panicked and left the bus and only god knows what happened to them or whether they remained safe.

They say GOD is the biggest script writer and out of nowhere, I heard a female voice which sounded so familiar but I hadn’t heard it for at least last 20 years. To my utter surprise, the old lady was none other than my class teacher from school. After spending night in the taxi, the driver suggested her (and her husband) to board the bus, as it was safest destination in watery Mumbai.

Water began to recede and the bus started moving. Many families were helping people on roads and I had the option of getting down for my destination. However I chose to stay back with my teacher and finally, the bus driver drove us to SV road, Khar where hundreds of buses were brought together by BEST on 27th July. Ultimately, I stayed in a hotel in Khar till the next day with my teacher and her husband and once their family members picked them up, I went my home on 28th July. I was lucky that I could make it to home after the ghastly rains 🙂

I am yet to figure out, what made me travel on 26th July ? Whether it was my zeal to meet my friends, or help unknown friends through my BPL mobile, or to be with my teacher or just to make me witness and realize how the nature can go against mankind.

Many lives were lost and many stories remained untold . Thankfully, my near ones who took the risk of being on roads, in the railway bogies, or stayed in hotels or offices remained safe 😊🙏

The story still remain fresh in mind and the fear of rain fury still brings that extra caution whenever rain gods get angry.

You guys may also share your part if you have witnessed it too !!

Disclaimer: This is neither a blog nor an article. This one is my way of thanking the almighty who kept me and many others safe on that once in a lifetime day and for all those wise decisions I took on that panicky day.

Image : Mumbai my love

 - Jayawant

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