Wednesday 25 April 2018

Story of Raghu and inter school competition

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Raghu who was born to rich parents and had all the luxuries of life at his pedestal. He was always the best student, cultured child and the most obedient kid but the only difference between him and others was that his school had no other students apart from him.

The boy started to grow up, and though his family had all the amenities and wealth to make Raghu a top notcher, they realised he was not picking up any skills. Raghu started cribbing, avoiding responsibilities so his family brought few teachers, close family friends and obedient servants whose only job was to praise Raghu and make him feel good. His mom told him he would soon become the captain of school and then in all probability will be the inter-school group captain .Everyone around told him the same thing so Raghu started to live in a self made world believing himself to be the best and a potential Group Captain material.

Other schools in the meanwhile had students from all the sections of the society and progressed as per their calibers. Some were good at studies, some were good at sports and one amongst them having flavour for most of the skills though not a Master surprisingly went past other students and made it to the inter school group captain position.

Raghu’s mom got very angry , she brought all the teachers of Raghu together and started scolding them for why was Raghu not doing good when he had all the potential. Though they were aware that Raghu doesn’t study, always goes on vacation, doesn’t like to give others a credit for success but blames them for failures, they didn’t have the guts to say anything. Instead they started telling the mom that the new group captain of other school  is not good. He doesn’t play the game they want him to play. He doesn’t get boys from all schools together and has his own way of dealing all the nuances of the game and infact some of his own schoolmates also don’t agree to him many times. Mom was quite happy to find such excuses and told them to search for Raghu who was on vacation and also bring all those other students together who don’t like the group captain and make friendship with Raghu.

Now Raghu had all the friends who praised him and made him believe in his potential. Having realised blaming group captain makes Mom happy, all of them together started taking new tasks in hands and put blame on anything and everything on the Group Captain.Raghu started to feel that he was right, people loved him and was now equipped to be the inter school group captain.

As times progressed, new friends of Raghu started to feel getting ignored and thought they were better than him and started to pick up small fights with him.

The current Group captain also realised that if all students of other schools came together then though not beatable along with Raghu, will have nuisance value in future, so he also started making few friends and dumping friends whom he believed will not support him in future.

Raghu in the meanwhile took the challenge to prove himself, started meeting and visiting all schools and for a change reduced his vacations. He started playing different types of sports which are taught to him.He was made the school captain by his mom and now wanted to fulfil his mom’s dreams of making it to inter school leader.

Nonetheless the rules of the school have a mandate to conduct inter school competition and choose a new inter school group captain at a regular frequency so all the schools and its students have begun their preparations and only time will tell who and from which school will become the new inter school Group Captain.

P.S. This is an inter school process depiction for choosing the group captain and Raghu is an imaginary character. Resemblance to any political or non political Raghu is unintentional and coincidental.

- Jayawant

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