Thursday 15 March 2018

Hail the Hero ! Hail Stephen Hawking !

Stephen Hawking went into the history books with many unanswered and interesting stories or phenomena which are yet to be fully unraveled and who knows would they ever be . As one of the unparalleled scientists he gave us a vision and version to look beyond what others didn’t even dare to suggest.

As a student of science our lives started with Newton who said earth has a gravitational force to pull down anything and we humans took it to another level and can now pull down other humans too 😊so it’s by default truth that gravity exists .

Galileo proved to us that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun and we realized that the apple is falling down through gravity but we are rotating at the same time . As we used or misused gravity , mankind has its own usage of telescopes in modern arena too , nonetheless stars still find themselves gazed through 😊

Over the years , Newtons and Galileos became sure shot answers and assured results  in our examinations, such were the strong fundamentals they demonstrated and it still holds true in our practical lives. So Newton became 15 marks and Galileo was worth 8 for many amongst a generation of science students.

But there always was a world beyond , which I guess only Hawking saw through his wheelchair . His was never a textbook requirement but was a real science with  zeal of fiction and imposing theories arousing curiosities.

His was a different theory than what we learnt where one said about pulling things down or the other one said looking up . This guy offered us a complete black box a Black Hole. These are essentially regions of space whose gravitational pull is extremely strong that nothing not even light can escape. They are invisible . Each  black hole is surrounded by an invisible boundary called as the "event horizon" that essentially marks the point of no return. So this point of no return made the  very theory a bit scientific, bit fiction and extremely intriguing. He believed anything need not be destroyed fully if one entered a black hole , instead it could come out in a very alternative source or altogether a different universe. This reminded me of our very own Captain Kirk or Spock of the famous Star Trek who used to move from one place to another changing their state in a matter of seconds.

When others were looking at history through times  Hawking was telling us History of time through his book  ‘A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes’. One basic thumb rule for any author to be successful is to ensure that he reaches the last reader first who does not understand the subject and Hawking made it easy  through his simplistic approach.  Such a heavy topic was made easy to explain and that’s where his supremacy got established as an author whom people believed once he was read.

It took years of pain to accept all the Newton Laws or theorems , years of turbulence for Galileo to let people accept him as a scientist and not a weird man , so time  would take its own course for Hawking preachings to be part of reality and take him to the category of 20 marks for the science students. Till then , enjoy the sci-fi logic , read and learn the mysteries of black hole and keep in remembrance the super human of Stephen Hawking.

Hail the Hero ! Hail Stephen Hawking !

P.S. The views are very personal and an attempt to look into the science and scientists through a normal human being’s eyes and is not an analysis on the wisdom of work the legendary scientists gave their lives for and made our lives better and livable through scientific analogies.

- Jayawant

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