Saturday, 28 March 2020

Corona: An eye opener !

No Restaurants ! No Movies ! No Entertainment ! No Outing !

Human evolution has come a long way since  Charles Darwin gave his insightful theory for the first time.

From jungles, the humans moved to small towns, to cities, to metros and bridged the international borders.

Scientists like Newtons, Galileos, Watts and Edisons made humans worth ‘Being’ as it brought meaning to a standstill life.

In parallel, the borders and being supreme became the norm for the nations and then the very battle for power and control changed the lifestyle adoption.

The race from being supreme to being normal first, has reached an interesting state today.

Borders are closed, Humans remain restricted to their own shelters, Travels are banned and exodus from international cities to native countries, cities and back to village is the latest normal. It sems that the cycle is coming full circle as humans rush to safe walls called ‘Home’.

Being at ‘Home’ has reestablished the importance of science and technology and after many years, you start thanking the greats of Edisons, Marconis and Bose(s) for what they invented and then the nextgen technocrats for how they changed the way we deal our daily lives.

The science and technology has made us survive with our routine in current situation as we realise that intelligence is artificial, office is virtual, learning is digital and family is the supreme.

Corona has made us sit back and reassess the ‘Lessons Learnt’. It’s just a glimpse of what is in store for the future. It’s upto us as humans, how to evolve further or Darwin’s theory might just continue its run in a reverse mode.

Image Courtesy: Tata Steel

Disclaimer: The article merely looks into the current status post Corona and is an individual opinion.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Corona ! A new way of life..


What a beautiful name?
Simply put, it’s the crown everyone would want to possess but not anymore 😀

It came, it conquered, it destroyed !!

One always wonders why such beautiful names are synonymous with natural disasters? Scientists will have their own analogy, but common man would never understand Katarina hurricanes , Bulbul cyclone, Abu volcano and now this Corona virus.

By all means it’s an agent which can multiply it’s negativity manifold and can impact human beings when they get in contact with each other. Antibodies then come to rescue to get rid of such virus and we simply say antibiotics worked. But the fact of the matter remains, it’s negativity which is thrown out by the antibodies.

The struggle with Corona has just began. With no remedy in sight, the ‘Corona’ has made the world divided and united at the same time !!

It has made people quarantined to stay away from their families, society as they are looked upon with all the suspicion and on the other hand they have been made famous with their names being circulated on the social media.

If Corona brought cheer to sluggish pharmaceutical shops as mask is no more the proprietary of 2 wheeler drivers, then those in tourism feel hidden faces have impacted their survival, at least in short term.

Movies, Bars, IPLs and get togethers are no more a reality but online shopping, Netflix and Hotstar are the new way for family bonding.

If work kept people away from home, Corona brought families closer with the new ‘IN’ thing WFH (work from home).

Corona has brought some fundamental changes to our lives.

Namastes are no longer orthodox, NEWS are beyond any religion, Vegetarians are respected for their lifestyle and the world has moved closer. But the virus will remain stronger, till it meets its antibody or till the humans figure out a way to fight it out.

Corona as it’s called is the name of the new disaster and we will feel it’s anxiety till it’s not out of our minds and the biological system. Till then, be safe,be alert, meet each other positively keeping ‘Corona’ out of your minds and take care of yourself.

Disclaimer: The views about Corona are personal and do not comment on any individual or any official.

Image Courtesy: CNN

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